Your stories

Here we highlight inspirational stories from St Mark's Patients

Stephanie Chin’s Story

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Throughout my time as a patient of St Mark’s, I have come to realise that there is no better place to be for bowel disease. To me, St Mark’s has been nothing but a saving grace as well as a place full of friends, family and hope.

Helen’s Story

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Having exhausted all other options I was referred to St Mark’s Hospital as a last resort, I needed help! I was struggling and without Dr Simon Gabe’s expertise and care, my conditions would have continued to go undiagnosed and untreated.

Janet’s Story

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I have been a patient at St Mark’s Hospital for 27 years with almost 20 years on TPN and, with many long and short stay admissions, have received the most amazing care from all the staff . I planned a holiday to Sydney Australia with the amazing help of St Mark’s Hospital, that without their help would never have been possible.

James’ Story

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My family and I would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Ian Jenkins and his surgical team of dedicated, highly skilled staff for their wonderful care and support.