Seasonal Appeal

Virtuous Circles at St Mark’s

Help us continue our Virtuous Circles at St Mark’s by supporting our 2023 seasonal appeal. In this appeal, we demonstrate the cumulative effect of one thing inspiring another and the impact of things coming full circle, ultimately for the benefit of patients living with complex bowel diseases.

We hope you will feel inspired to renew your support or donate for the first time. Acts of giving will help us continue our virtuous circles, enabling us to support today’s patients whilst maintaining a focus on activities that will bring forward our vision of a future free from the fear of bowel disease.

Thank you for your support.

2022 Seasonal Appeal: Research at St Mark’s, it’s personal.

Our 2022 appeal highlighted the research and clinical diagnosis and treatment pathways at St Mark’s that are increasingly becoming “personal”. Personal in that our gastroenterologists, surgeons and specialist nurses have always treated each patient’s individual condition and needs, but also personal in that our research is also increasingly being driven by insights from individual patients’ biomarkers and genetics.

Through understanding that the impact of bowel disease is unique to the individual, St Mark’s is moving towards a future where more individualised treatments can be offered to patients.

Thank you sincerely for your support and helping us raise an incredible £17,000!