Professor Sue Clark
Sue is a Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at St Mark’s Hospital. She has a long association with the hospital, starting as a research fellow in the Polyposis Registry.
Sue is a consultant colorectal surgeon at St Mark’s Hospital. She has a long association with the hospital, starting as a research fellow in the Polyposis Registry just before St Mark’s moved from City Road to Northwick Park. She returned for a year as a senior trainee, and later as a consultant.
During her career at St Mark’s she has led the Polyposis Registry, been active as a researcher and research supervisor, served as Educational Supervisor for surgical trainees; she was Dean of the St Mark’s Academic Institute 2014-9 and President of the St Mark’s Association 2021-1. Roles outside the hospital include Member of Royal College of Surgeons of England Commission on the Future of Surgery (2017-18), Senior Editor of Colorectal Disease, Chair of the Grants Committee of Bowel Research UK and President of the Section of Coloproctology of the Royal Society of Medicine (2020-21).
She tries desperately to keep fit – and ran the Royal Parks half marathon 2021 for the St Mark’s Foundation.
Sue joined the Board in June 2022.